本帖最後由 蜜露 於 2015-12-16 16:40 編輯 岡薩洛颶風! 已經是大西洋近4年來最強者. 等很久了.. 不過在西太這裡. 可能僅丹娜絲水平. 大西洋有待加強~ |
颶風“貢薩洛”吹襲英國 強風引發事故致3死5傷 中新網10月22日電 據英媒報道,颶風“貢薩洛”(Hurricane Gonzalo)日前吹襲英國,大風天氣致使當地大量樹木被吹倒,並造成交通意外。颶風天氣已經造成英國至少3人死亡5人受傷。受惡劣天氣影響,英國部分地區的陸空交通出現大規模混亂。 報道稱,“貢薩洛”帶來的大風天氣引發了多起事故,一名女子被倒樹砸死,一男子在修車時被強風吹翻的貨車砸死,另有一名63歲老人因車禍喪生。 目前,至少有5人因建築物及樹木倒塌受傷,其中包括兩名兒童。 受惡劣天氣影響,英國部分地區的陸空交通出現大規模混亂。在倫敦西斯羅機場,20家航空公司的共110架航班取消,近萬名乘客滯留。 火車服務也倒樹及通訊故障延誤甚至停運。此外,渡輪也都停止運作。據預計,英國部份地區還會有暴雨,天氣要到當地時間23日才能好轉。 (嚴格來說不算颶風... 到達英國前已轉為溫帶氣旋) |
還是颶風,CDO 仍然存在,即將達到北緯 50 度,預測後期登陸蘇格蘭。 FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 19/1500Z 49.0N 47.3W 75 KT 85 MPH 12H 20/0000Z 52.0N 39.0W 65 KT 75 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 24H 20/1200Z 54.5N 23.0W 55 KT 65 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 36H 21/0000Z 57.0N 6.9W 50 KT 60 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 48H 21/1200Z 62.1N 2.6W 50 KT 60 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 72H 22/1200Z...DISSIPATED |
仍是熱帶氣旋,稍早還以一級颶風強度掠過紐芬蘭。處在北緯 46 度以上、海溫 15 度以下,Gonzalo 還未失去熱帶性質,可謂相當難得。 000 WTNT43 KNHC 190832 TCDAT3 HURRICANE GONZALO DISCUSSION NUMBER 28 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL082014 500 AM AST SUN OCT 19 2014 A small CDO feature persists near the center of Gonzalo, although cloud tops have warmed a bit recently. The initial intensity has been nudged downward to 75 kt for this advisory, assuming some weakening now that the cyclone is moving over SSTs of less than 15 deg C. Gonzalo is expected to become extratropical later today and weaken during the next 24 to 36 hours. After that time, post- tropical Gonzalo is forecast to maintain an intensity of 45 kt over the north Atlantic until the system dissipates shortly after 48 hours. The NHC intensity forecast is based on guidance from the global models and the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center. Gonzalo has accelerated over the past 6 hours and is now racing northeastward with an initial motion estimate of 040/45 knots. The global models are in good agreement on the cyclone accelerating east-northeastward over the north Atlantic during the next couple of days. The NHC forecast is close to a blend of the GFS and ECMWF models through dissipation and is near the latest guidance from OPC. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 19/0900Z 46.3N 52.9W 75 KT 85 MPH 12H 19/1800Z 50.1N 44.9W 60 KT 70 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 24H 20/0600Z 53.4N 31.0W 50 KT 60 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 36H 20/1800Z 56.2N 15.0W 45 KT 50 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 48H 21/0600Z 58.5N 2.0W 45 KT 50 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP 72H 22/0600Z...DISSIPATED $$ Forecaster Brennan |
似乎沒人發過這張 10/16國際空間站拍下的颶風Gonzalo 很美麗呢 另外 Gonzalo目前位於加拿大紐芬蘭-拉不拉多省西南方海面 預估將以TS上限至C1下限橫過其近海 |
參與人數 1 | 水氣能量 +15 | 收起 理由 |
krichard2011 | + 15 | 贊一個! |
Gonzalo 的環流已經開始進入 百慕達氣象雷達的觀測範圍了 NHC預測中心將從百目達的邊邊掃過 實測可以注意一下.. . 實測 http://go.usa.gov/fRxY 雷達 http://www.weather.bm/radarLarge.asp |