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  基本資料      編號    :92 S 擾動編號日期:2017 年 03 月 23 日 07 時 撤編日期  :2017 年 03 月 27 日 13 時 92S.INVEST.15kts.996mb.14S.108E ...

W環 發表於 2017-3-25 16:21

Potential Cyclones:

At 2pm WST a small tropical low was located near 15.7S 121.3E (about 270km north northwest of Broome) and was moving slowly east at about 5 km/h. The system is forecast to begin moving southwards later today then west to southwestwards during Sunday and Monday, staying off the WA coast. There is only a small chance that the system develops into a tropical cyclone during Sunday or Monday.

Likelihood of this system being a tropical cyclone in the Western Region on:
Sunday: Low
Monday: Low
Tuesday: Very Low

NOTES: The likelihood is an estimate of the chance of each system being a tropical cyclone in the Region for each day.
Very Low:less than 5%Low:5% to 20%
Moderate:20 to 50%High:Over 50%
The Western Region refers to the Indian Ocean between Longitudes 90-125E and south of 10S.
Further information on Tropical Cyclones is available at www.bom.gov.au/weather/cyclone/
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它附近甚至也有幾個正渦度的,加上南則大團乾空氣,更難進一步發展。  發表於 2017-3-27 09:07
被夾在兩個更強的熱帶氣旋之間,評級為very low  發表於 2017-3-27 00:03
周子堯@FB 發表於 2017-3-25 10:44
abiosair (2).jpg



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